Solo and Ensemble Festival
Award Recipients
In 1959, West Virginia Music Educators developed a plan that included both junior high and high schools to hold adjudications every year, selecting young musicians with outstanding performances for competition on the state-wide level.
Once chosen, outstanding regional soloists and ensembles would submit recordings for consideration as finalists and to perform at the yearly WVMEA annual conference. This is considered to be the highest honor a young Musician can achieve within the school system. Out of literally thousands of applicants, 12 are chosen as the finest young performers in the state.
To our knowledge, students from Chuck Biel’s various Music Schools (“New Art Studio”, ”The Guitar Studio “ etc.) were the first Guitarist to perform for the State Honors Concert in the history of the program.
Below are the regional and state certificates of the 25 winning soloist and ensembles over the years.
Compiled by Steve Ellerman